The beautiful composition long lasting roses in a box, created by experienced florists Boy fresh flowers, will delight its owner within two to five years. It does not consist of artificial flowers. Only fresh plants are used in its preparation. Each of them undergoes special processing before being added to the composition. The craftsmen use a preservative that allows the stems and buds to keep their spectacular freshness.
Roses long lasting remain pleasant to the touch not only within one week after purchase. You can arrange the same day delivery on our website. We will deliver the original gift to the recipient living any regions of Vancouver.
Long lasting roses in box attract not only by their aesthetic appearance. The composition has the following advantages:
Stabilized roses in luxurious hatboxes have become an excellent alternative to artificial and dried plants. Over time, their popularity is growing, and some fans of conservation believe that such flowers have more advantages than freshly cut plants. For several years, a beautiful composition consisting of long lasting roses will remind the recipient of the tender feelings of the giver even in those moments, when he is not around.
After pretreatment of plants, florists can additionally color them. This is done to change the shade of the rose so that it matches the client’s request. In addition, this treatment helps to make the tone of the flower more saturated.
Using Bayfreshflowers catalog, you can arrange the same day delivery long lasting. We offer a large selection of flower compositions in Vancouver that will appeal to the most discerning customers. Stabilized roses will be a spectacular gift for any celebration. They can be presented as a pleasant compliment to the person you like. Due to the fact that the compositions retain their attractiveness for a long time, it is appropriate to use them for interior decoration.
If you have difficulties in choosing, contact our florists for help. They know all about floral etiquette and will tell you which variant will be the best solution. We will be glad to see you among our regular customers!